Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Monday, 30 January 2012
Singapore Zoo
Singapore Zoo - orang utan
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
orang utan taken from
The orang utan is the flagship species of the Singapore Zoo. A total of 24 of these charismatic apes call the zoo home and are displayed as a large social group in a spacious naturalistic enclosure. Though not the only zoo in the world to display a social group of orang utans, we are the only ones who have done so on such a large scale.
The provision of a large enclosure and lots of climbing platforms allow the orang utans to get away from their group members and enjoy moments of peace when needed. The platforms not only allow the apes to develop their natural climbing skills but also serve as escape routes for them should fighting break out.
These highly intelligent animals have to be kept occupied or boredom will consume them, which occurs ever so often in captivity. We keep the orang utans busy through the use of a technique known as behavioural enrichment.
The ability to breed is a good indication of the state of physical and emotional health of a zoo animal, and we are proud to have bred a total of 35 orang utans to date. Some have been sent to zoos in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, Japan, Australia and New Zealand as part of a worldwide exchange programme to facilitate breeding of this highly endangered ape.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
. .. .
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
. .. .
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
. .. .
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo - Proboscis monkeys
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
Proboscis monkeys taken from
Proboscis monkeys are found mostly in freshwater swamp forests of Borneo. Males have a distinctive feature – a pendulous nose that is believed to help resonate their calls and also as an attraction to females. The dominant male always has the largest nose. Often, the nose is so big that the male will need to push it aside while feeding.
Their diet consists of leaves, supplemented with non-sweet fruit and seeds such as nutmeg and those of the legume and palm families. With an enlarged stomach containing a vast array of gut bacteria, proboscis monkeys are able to digest and break down cellulose present in plant matter. Additionally, the bacteria also help to deactivate toxins in some of the leaves.
In many areas throughout their range, suitable wild habitats have been subjected to land development for human habitation, clearing for monoculture plantations, in particular, oil palm, and logging. Habitat destruction and hunting will continue to threaten these already endangered monkeys.
To date, Singapore Zoo has the largest breeding group of proboscis monkeys, a total of 17, outside its home range on the island of Borneo.
We have also supported in-situ research on an assessment of the population size, distribution and threats that proboscis monkeys are facing in Sabah, Borneo, as well as ex-situ research on infant development and dietary needs.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
. .. .
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
. .. .
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Zoo - White Tiger
Via Flickr:
A visit to the singapore zoo make me realize that it's not easy to take photo of animal at all…..
They can just stay in a position that you don't want for many minutes without moving….You need to have time and patience to wait for a perfect moment to capture a good composition….
And also… When it start moving….it will be too fast and unpredictable and you can't get the shot…..
I doubt i had done it in this visit…. i think i will be visiting it again in the near future to challenge my skills again….
At the same time…. i realize that under certain condition… my 70-300 and D7000 combination can't work well…
aperture is at f4….iso max at iso640 so that it will have reasonable acceptable noise….But the problem is that the shutter speed is too slow and thus causing shake/blur photo…..
haizzzzz…. should i just up my iso and reduce my image size……….at least i can get a better shot…..
White Tiger taken from
Occupying an area of 1170 square metres, this exhibit features educational materials displayed at two varying levels for adults and children. Through a range of informative multimedia elements, visitors can learn more about the resident white tigers, how their teeth and jaws work to make the killing bite for example, and how one can contribute towards tiger conservation. Conservation exhibits such as a video about tiger bones serve to educate visitors on the plight of tigers, which are often killed for traditional medicine.
Visitors also have the opportunity to see a tiger’s pug mark and hear a tiger roar, moan and call. A sculpture of a white tiger by William Teo on display further enhances the aesthetics of the area .
White tigers, also known as Bengal tigers, are rare animals that possess an amazing combination of awesome beauty and impressive power. They have blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes. White tiger males range in length between 2.7 and 3 metres. They weigh between 190 and 260 kilogrammes on the average. Females are smaller, and range in length from 2.2 to 2.7 metres, weighing around 165 kilogrammes.
White tigers have extremely strong jaws and teeth, which are very helpful in catching their prey. They also have a very strong sense of smell, and sharp eyesight.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Chinatown view
Via Flickr:
Technical Details
Camera Used: Nikon D7000
Lens Used: Tokina 11-16 f2.8
Software used for post processing: CS5
Techniques used: Single raw.
Tripod: Sirui tripod used
As the christmas mood and countdown to the brand new 2012 holiday mood had slowly faded in many countries , but not Singapore .
Being a multi racial country , as the christmas and countdown pass , the chinese new year will be the next upcoming major holiday...
Went up to one of the HDB flat around Chinatown and took this photo. The blue sky filled with the cloud formation make it such a nice view !
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Chinatown
Singapore's Chinatown is an ethnic neighbourhood featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements and a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population. Chinatown is located within the larger district of Outram.
As the largest ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese, Chinatown is considerably less of an enclave than it once was. (Note: The name Chinatown (唐人街) is usually used by non-Chinese Singaporeans whereas Chinese Singaporeans usually use the term Niu Che Shui (牛车水) as the term Chinatown (唐人街) usually refers to enclaves of Chinese people in regions where Chinese people are the minority ethnic group.) However, the district does retain significant historical and cultural significance. Large sections of it have been declared national heritage sites officially designated for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
About Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum
The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum is a Buddhist temple and museum complex located in the Chinatown district of Singapore.
"The temple is based on the Tang dynasty architectural style and built to house the tooth relic of the historical Buddha. The ground breaking ceremony was conducted on 13 March 2005. Costing S$62 million and 2 years later, a soft launch was held to coincide with the 2007 Vesak Day celebration."[2] It is claimed that the relic of Buddha from which it gains its name was found in 1980 in a collapsed stupa in Myanmar.[3]
Since opening, the temple has become a popular attraction within Chinatown. Simple vegetarian fare is served in the basement of the temple, though donations are accepted.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Friday, 27 January 2012
Singapore CityScape from UOB Plaza
Via Flickr:
A dinner at si chuan dou hua at Uob plaza allowed me to have a high view point of the city scape... However , as it was family bonding time... i didnt take much photo ..
About Singapore River, ,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . .
The river is now part of the Marina Reservoir after damming the Singapore River at its outlet to the sea to create a new reservoir of freshwater. While damming this area would create a valuable source of fresh water for the tiny city-state, it would have prevented the docking of ocean-going ships at the Singapore River which was arguably the original reason Singapore came into existence. The dam is known as Marina Barrage.[citation needed]
Whereas the original mouth of the Singapore River emptied into Singapore Straits and its southern islands before major land reclamation took place, the Singapore River now empties into Marina Bay - an area of water partially enclosed by the reclamation work. The Port of Singapore is now located to the west of the island, using most of the south-west coast, and passenger ships to Singapore now typically berth at the Singapore Cruise Centre at HarbourFront. Thus the Singapore River's economic role has shifted away from one that of trade, towards more a role accommodated for tourism and aesthetics for the commercial zone which encloses it.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Singapore fullerton hotel
Via Flickr:
Technical Details
Camera Used: Nikon D7000
Lens Used: Tokina 11-16 f2.8
Software used for post processing: CS5
Techniques used: Digital blending with overlaying 2 raw file. One super long exposure to capture reflection and sky.One with -0.3ev to capture detail of the fullerton hotel.
Tripod: Sirui tripod used.
As the christmas mood and countdown to the brand new 2012 holiday mood had slowly faded in many countries , but not Singapore .
Being a multi racial country , as the christmas and countdown pass , the chinese new year will be the next upcoming major holiday...
Chinatown will then be decorated with mainly red lighting due to auspicious reason , like what orchard had been decorated during christmas....
The highlight of the decoration in chinatown is the majestic dragon that stretch along the middle of the road !
I was the only crazy person taking photo around the area. The others are clubbers that are drunk and love birds hanging out around the area.
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Chinatown
Singapore's Chinatown is an ethnic neighbourhood featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements and a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population. Chinatown is located within the larger district of Outram.
As the largest ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese, Chinatown is considerably less of an enclave than it once was. (Note: The name Chinatown (唐人街) is usually used by non-Chinese Singaporeans whereas Chinese Singaporeans usually use the term Niu Che Shui (牛车水) as the term Chinatown (唐人街) usually refers to enclaves of Chinese people in regions where Chinese people are the minority ethnic group.) However, the district does retain significant historical and cultural significance. Large sections of it have been declared national heritage sites officially designated for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
About Cavenagh Bridge
Formally known as the Edinburgh Bridge , it was the 3rd bridge built in Singapore on 1869 to commemorate the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh.
To honour the last India-appointed Governor of the Straits Settlements , Major General William Orfeur Cavenagh, it was then changed to Cavenagh Bridge.
It served as a connection between the north and south bank of Singapore river in the past to serve as a convience for the people.
For now , it connect from the side of Asian Civilisations Museum to the side of Fullerton Hotel.
About Esplanade bridge
The Esplanade Bridge is a 260 metre-long (850 ft.) road bridge that spans across the mouth of the Singapore River in Singapore with the Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay on its northern abutment and the Merlion on the southern.[1] The 70 metre-wide (230 ft.) low-level concrete arched bridge has seven spans and supports two four-lane carriageways and walkways along both sides.
The bridge was built to provide faster vehicular access between Marina Centre and the financial district of Shenton Way.[1] Construction of the bridge began in early 1994 and was completed in March 1997.[1] The main contractor was Obayashi Corporation. The bridge then blocked views of the Merlion statue from the Marina Bay waterfront, raising a need for the original Merlion statue to be relocated from the back to the front of the bridge.
About Fullerton hotel
Named after Robert Fullerton, the first Governor of the Straits Settlements, it was supposed to be a fort to defend the settlement against any naval attacks.
It then become the post office but it was redeveloped into a well known hotel in the modern days.
About Clark Quay River
Clarke Quay was named after Sir Andrew Clarke, Singapore's second Governor and Governor of the Straits Settlements from 1873 to 1875, who played a key role in positioning Singapore as the main port for the Malay states of Perak, Selangor and Sungei Ujong.
Clarke Quay is also the name of a road along the quay, part of which has since been converted into a pedestrian mall. Clarke Street, located next to Clarke Quay, was officially named in 1896, and was originally two streets known simply as East Street and West Street in north Kampong Malacca. Similar to Clarke Quay, Clarke Street has since been converted into a pedestrian mall.
The Hoklos (Hokkien) refer to Clarke Street as gi hok kong si au, meaning "behind the new Gi Hok Kongsi" (house). The new Gi Hok Kongsi was near Carpenter Street. Another Chinese reference, which only refers to the Southern bank around Read Bridge area, was cha chun tau (柴船头), meaning "jetty for boats carrying firewood". Small tongkangs carrying firewood from Indonesia berthed at this jetty. The firewood trade was primarily a Teochew enterprise.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Skyline
Via Flickr:
As the day start to fall, building around singapore rivers started to get lighted.
The merlion blend with the building behind it forms a breathtaking sight of the Singapore skyline..
About Singapore River, ,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . .
The river is now part of the Marina Reservoir after damming the Singapore River at its outlet to the sea to create a new reservoir of freshwater. While damming this area would create a valuable source of fresh water for the tiny city-state, it would have prevented the docking of ocean-going ships at the Singapore River which was arguably the original reason Singapore came into existence. The dam is known as Marina Barrage.[citation needed]
Whereas the original mouth of the Singapore River emptied into Singapore Straits and its southern islands before major land reclamation took place, the Singapore River now empties into Marina Bay - an area of water partially enclosed by the reclamation work. The Port of Singapore is now located to the west of the island, using most of the south-west coast, and passenger ships to Singapore now typically berth at the Singapore Cruise Centre at HarbourFront. Thus the Singapore River's economic role has shifted away from one that of trade, towards more a role accommodated for tourism and aesthetics for the commercial zone which encloses it.
About Merlion, ,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . .
The Merlion (Malay: Singa-Laut) is a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish, used as a mascot of Singapore. Its name combines "mer" meaning the sea and "lion". The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a fishing village when it was called Temasek, which means "sea town" in Javanese. The lion head represents Singapore's original name — Singapura — meaning "lion city" or "kota singa".
The symbol was designed by Fraser Brunner, a member of the Souvenir Committee and curator of the Van Kleef Aquarium, for the logo of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in use from 26 March 1964 to 1997[1] and has been its trademarked symbol since 20 July 1966. Although the STB changed their logo in 1997, the STB Act continues to protect the Merlion symbol.[2] Approval must be received from STB before it can be used. The Merlion appears frequently on STB-approved souvenirs.
The merlion— a mythical creature with the body of a fish and the head of a lion— occurs in a number of different artistic traditions. Lions with fishtails can be found on Indian murals at Ajanta and Mathura, and on Etruscan coins of the Hellenistic period. Merlions, or ‘heraldic sea- lions’, are an established element of Western heraldry, and have been used on the coat of arms of the cities of Portsmouth and Great Yarmouth in the United Kingdom; the City of Manila; and the East India Company.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Cityscape
Via Flickr:
As the day start to fall, building around singapore rivers started to get lighted.
The merlion blend with the building behind it forms a breathtaking sight of the Singapore skyline.....
As the chinese new year drew closer , i feel like i am an idiot as i had not take much photo as the dates drew nearer.....
Any singaporean want to meet up for shooting session at chinatown ???
About Singapore River, ,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . .
The river is now part of the Marina Reservoir after damming the Singapore River at its outlet to the sea to create a new reservoir of freshwater. While damming this area would create a valuable source of fresh water for the tiny city-state, it would have prevented the docking of ocean-going ships at the Singapore River which was arguably the original reason Singapore came into existence. The dam is known as Marina Barrage.[citation needed]
Whereas the original mouth of the Singapore River emptied into Singapore Straits and its southern islands before major land reclamation took place, the Singapore River now empties into Marina Bay - an area of water partially enclosed by the reclamation work. The Port of Singapore is now located to the west of the island, using most of the south-west coast, and passenger ships to Singapore now typically berth at the Singapore Cruise Centre at HarbourFront. Thus the Singapore River's economic role has shifted away from one that of trade, towards more a role accommodated for tourism and aesthetics for the commercial zone which encloses it.
About Merlion, ,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . .
The Merlion (Malay: Singa-Laut) is a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish, used as a mascot of Singapore. Its name combines "mer" meaning the sea and "lion". The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a fishing village when it was called Temasek, which means "sea town" in Javanese. The lion head represents Singapore's original name — Singapura — meaning "lion city" or "kota singa".
The symbol was designed by Fraser Brunner, a member of the Souvenir Committee and curator of the Van Kleef Aquarium, for the logo of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in use from 26 March 1964 to 1997[1] and has been its trademarked symbol since 20 July 1966. Although the STB changed their logo in 1997, the STB Act continues to protect the Merlion symbol.[2] Approval must be received from STB before it can be used. The Merlion appears frequently on STB-approved souvenirs.
The merlion— a mythical creature with the body of a fish and the head of a lion— occurs in a number of different artistic traditions. Lions with fishtails can be found on Indian murals at Ajanta and Mathura, and on Etruscan coins of the Hellenistic period. Merlions, or ‘heraldic sea- lions’, are an established element of Western heraldry, and have been used on the coat of arms of the cities of Portsmouth and Great Yarmouth in the United Kingdom; the City of Manila; and the East India Company.
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Most interesting photos from flickriver
Singapore Chinatown Chinese New Year Decoration
Via Flickr:
In a few days time , the chinese will be celebrating the new year.
During this festival , family will get together , starting from the reunion dinner during the eve. Then staying up throughout the night aka guarding the night so that your loved one and parents will have longvetity....
Throughout the chinese new year , family will do home visiting to relatives and friends , with a pair of mandrain orange in their hand.
Kids during this period as they will received ang bao from the married adults. Ang bao aka red packet is a chinese new year tradition whereby the married will put $$$ inside it as a blessing.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had launched the celebrations at chinatown , the place where chinese reside in the past.
The street in between chinatown were closed to give way for stalls that sell chinese new year goodies and decoration.
One of the main attraction was the 108-metre long 3D water dragon and also eight other dragons that symbolize longevity and prosperity had descended on chinatown.
The design concept is the work of six undergraduates from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Chinatown
Singapore's Chinatown is an ethnic neighbourhood featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements and a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population. Chinatown is located within the larger district of Outram.
As the largest ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese, Chinatown is considerably less of an enclave than it once was. (Note: The name Chinatown (唐人街) is usually used by non-Chinese Singaporeans whereas Chinese Singaporeans usually use the term Niu Che Shui (牛车水) as the term Chinatown (唐人街) usually refers to enclaves of Chinese people in regions where Chinese people are the minority ethnic group.) However, the district does retain significant historical and cultural significance. Large sections of it have been declared national heritage sites officially designated for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. In China, it is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name 春節 (Pinyin: Chūn Jié), since the spring season in Chinese calendar starts with lichun, the first solar term in a Chinese calendar year. It marks the end of the winter season, analogous to the Western carnival. The festival begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: Zhēng Yuè) in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as Chú Xī (除夕) or "Eve of the Passing Year." Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, the Chinese New Year is often referred to as the "Lunar New Year".
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...... . .. .. .
Most interesting photos from flickriver
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Marina Bay Sands Merlion
Via Flickr:
Being countless time to the Marina Bay , i got to say that it is so convenient for me to go there after work to take some snapshot.
My photo is running low for me to test my newly acquired set of technique of photo manuiplation using CS5. Instead of applying my technique on one single file... i decided to push my limits to try to do a Panoramic consisting of 2 photos....Not really happy with the outcome on the left side aka... singapore flyer..
Will practice it more to make it possible in future..
I planned to go to chinatown for chinese new year shoot , then changed to going Circle line open house and ended up at the MBS area...
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Marina Bay Sands
Marina Bay Sands (traditional Chinese: 濱海灣金沙; simplified Chinese: 滨海湾金沙) is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. Developed by Las Vegas Sands, it is billed as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$8 billion, including cost of the prime land.[1][2]
With the casino complete, the resort features a 2,561-room hotel, a 1,300,000-square-foot (120,000 m2) convention-exhibition centre, the 800,000-square-foot (74,000 m2) The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands mall, an iconic ArtScience museum, two large theatres, seven "celebrity chef" restaurants, two floating Crystal Pavilions, an ice skating rink, and the world's largest atrium casino with 500 tables and 1,600 slot machines. The complex is topped by a 340m-long SkyPark with a capacity of 3,900 people and a 150m infinity swimming pool, set on top of the world's largest public cantilevered platform, which overhangs the north tower by 67m.[3][4] The 20-hectare resort was designed by Moshe Safdie Architects. The local architect of record was Aedas Singapore, and engineering was provided by Arup and Parsons Brinkerhoff (MEP). The main contractor was Ssangyong Engineering and Construction.[5]
Originally set to open in 2009, Las Vegas Sands faced delays caused by escalating costs of material and labour shortages from the onset. The severe global financial crisis also pressured the company to delay its projects elsewhere to complete the integrated resort.[6] Although Marina Bay Sands has been compared on scale and development costs to MGM's CityCenter, the latter is a mixed-use development, with condominium properties (comprising three of the seven main structures) being sold off.[7][8]
The resort was officially opened with a two-day celebration on 23 June 2010 at 3.18 pm, after a partial opening (which included the casino) on 27 April 2010.[9] The SkyPark opened a day later on 24 June 2010. The theatres were completed in time for the first performance by Riverdance on 30 November 2010. The floating pavilions are still being built and are expected to be fully completed by 2011. The indoor skating rink, which uses artificial ice, opened to a performance by Michelle Kwan on 18 December 2010. The ArtScience Museum opened to the public and the debut of a 13-minute light, laser and water spectacle called Wonder Full on 19 February 2011 marked the full completion of the entire Integrated Resort.
The grand opening of Marina Bay Sands was held on 17 February 2011. It also marked the opening of the seven celebrity chef restaurants. The highly-anticipated Broadway musical The Lion King debuted on 3 March 2011.[10] The last portion of the Marina Bay Sands, the floating pavilions, were finally opened to the public when the two tenants (Louis Vuitton and Pangaea Club) opened on 18 September 2011 and 22 September 2011 respectively.
About Garden by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay consists of three distinctive waterfront gardens – Bay South, Bay East and Bay Central, spanning a total of 101 hectares. They are set in the heart of Singapore’s new downtown Marina Bay, encircling the Marina Reservoir like a green necklace. The Gardens will complement the array of attractions around Marina Bay.
Gardens by the Bay is an integral part of a strategy by the Singapore government that further transforms Singapore from a ‘Garden City’ to a ‘City in a Garden’, in which the city is woven into a green and floral tapestry. This aims to raise the quality of life in Singapore with a more holistic and all-encompassing programme that enhances greenery and flora in the city. First announced to the public by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during the National Day Rally in August 2005, Gardens by the Bay will become Singapore’s premier urban outdoor recreation space, and a national icon.
An international competition for the design of the master plan was held in January 2006 to elicit the best designs for the Gardens. This attracted more than 70 entries submitted by 170 firms from 24 countries, from which two firms – Grant Associates and Gustafson Porter – were eventually awarded the master plan design for the Bay South and Bay East Gardens respectively.
The Gardens are being developed in phases. Bay South is currently being constructed and is slated to be completed by June 2012. Bay East has been developed as an interim park in support of the Youth Olympic Games 2010, and is scheduled to open to the public in late 2011 or early 2012. The full master plan implementation of Bay East and the development of Bay Central are part of the next phase of development.
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Marina Bay Sands - LED Light show
Via Flickr:
Being countless time to the Marina Bay , i got to say that it is so convenient for me to go there after work to take some snapshot.
My photo is running low for me to test my newly acquired set of technique of photo manuiplation using CS5.
I planned to go to chinatown for chinese new year shoot , then changed to going Circle line open house and ended up at the MBS area.
Decided that this will be the final photo as my post processing knowledge is limited to merge more photos to the left and right of it to form a Panoramic..... >.< ||| The sky colour/water are too different to be blend together.....
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Marina Bay Sands
Marina Bay Sands (traditional Chinese: 濱海灣金沙; simplified Chinese: 滨海湾金沙) is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. Developed by Las Vegas Sands, it is billed as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$8 billion, including cost of the prime land.[1][2]
With the casino complete, the resort features a 2,561-room hotel, a 1,300,000-square-foot (120,000 m2) convention-exhibition centre, the 800,000-square-foot (74,000 m2) The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands mall, an iconic ArtScience museum, two large theatres, seven "celebrity chef" restaurants, two floating Crystal Pavilions, an ice skating rink, and the world's largest atrium casino with 500 tables and 1,600 slot machines. The complex is topped by a 340m-long SkyPark with a capacity of 3,900 people and a 150m infinity swimming pool, set on top of the world's largest public cantilevered platform, which overhangs the north tower by 67m.[3][4] The 20-hectare resort was designed by Moshe Safdie Architects. The local architect of record was Aedas Singapore, and engineering was provided by Arup and Parsons Brinkerhoff (MEP). The main contractor was Ssangyong Engineering and Construction.[5]
Originally set to open in 2009, Las Vegas Sands faced delays caused by escalating costs of material and labour shortages from the onset. The severe global financial crisis also pressured the company to delay its projects elsewhere to complete the integrated resort.[6] Although Marina Bay Sands has been compared on scale and development costs to MGM's CityCenter, the latter is a mixed-use development, with condominium properties (comprising three of the seven main structures) being sold off.[7][8]
The resort was officially opened with a two-day celebration on 23 June 2010 at 3.18 pm, after a partial opening (which included the casino) on 27 April 2010.[9] The SkyPark opened a day later on 24 June 2010. The theatres were completed in time for the first performance by Riverdance on 30 November 2010. The floating pavilions are still being built and are expected to be fully completed by 2011. The indoor skating rink, which uses artificial ice, opened to a performance by Michelle Kwan on 18 December 2010. The ArtScience Museum opened to the public and the debut of a 13-minute light, laser and water spectacle called Wonder Full on 19 February 2011 marked the full completion of the entire Integrated Resort.
The grand opening of Marina Bay Sands was held on 17 February 2011. It also marked the opening of the seven celebrity chef restaurants. The highly-anticipated Broadway musical The Lion King debuted on 3 March 2011.[10] The last portion of the Marina Bay Sands, the floating pavilions, were finally opened to the public when the two tenants (Louis Vuitton and Pangaea Club) opened on 18 September 2011 and 22 September 2011 respectively.
About Garden by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay consists of three distinctive waterfront gardens – Bay South, Bay East and Bay Central, spanning a total of 101 hectares. They are set in the heart of Singapore’s new downtown Marina Bay, encircling the Marina Reservoir like a green necklace. The Gardens will complement the array of attractions around Marina Bay.
Gardens by the Bay is an integral part of a strategy by the Singapore government that further transforms Singapore from a ‘Garden City’ to a ‘City in a Garden’, in which the city is woven into a green and floral tapestry. This aims to raise the quality of life in Singapore with a more holistic and all-encompassing programme that enhances greenery and flora in the city. First announced to the public by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during the National Day Rally in August 2005, Gardens by the Bay will become Singapore’s premier urban outdoor recreation space, and a national icon.
An international competition for the design of the master plan was held in January 2006 to elicit the best designs for the Gardens. This attracted more than 70 entries submitted by 170 firms from 24 countries, from which two firms – Grant Associates and Gustafson Porter – were eventually awarded the master plan design for the Bay South and Bay East Gardens respectively.
The Gardens are being developed in phases. Bay South is currently being constructed and is slated to be completed by June 2012. Bay East has been developed as an interim park in support of the Youth Olympic Games 2010, and is scheduled to open to the public in late 2011 or early 2012. The full master plan implementation of Bay East and the development of Bay Central are part of the next phase of development.
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Singapore - Fullerton Hotel Chinese New Year Decoration
Via Flickr:
Technical Details
Camera Used: Nikon D7000
Lens Used: Tokina 11-16 f2.8
Software used for post processing: CS5
Techniques used: Single raw with overlaying.
Tripod: Sirui tripod used.
As the christmas mood and countdown to the brand new 2012 holiday mood had slowly faded in many countries , but not Singapore .
Being a multi racial country , as the christmas and countdown pass , the chinese new year will be the next upcoming major holiday...
Chinatown will then be decorated with mainly red lighting due to auspicious reason , like what orchard had been decorated during christmas..
The highlight of the decoration in chinatown is the majestic dragon that stretch along the middle of the road !
I went for a quick walk around and took a few photos….
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Chinatown
Singapore's Chinatown is an ethnic neighbourhood featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements and a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population. Chinatown is located within the larger district of Outram.
As the largest ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese, Chinatown is considerably less of an enclave than it once was. (Note: The name Chinatown (唐人街) is usually used by non-Chinese Singaporeans whereas Chinese Singaporeans usually use the term Niu Che Shui (牛车水) as the term Chinatown (唐人街) usually refers to enclaves of Chinese people in regions where Chinese people are the minority ethnic group.) However, the district does retain significant historical and cultural significance. Large sections of it have been declared national heritage sites officially designated for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
About Cavenagh Bridge
Formally known as the Edinburgh Bridge , it was the 3rd bridge built in Singapore on 1869 to commemorate the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh.
To honour the last India-appointed Governor of the Straits Settlements , Major General William Orfeur Cavenagh, it was then changed to Cavenagh Bridge.
It served as a connection between the north and south bank of Singapore river in the past to serve as a convience for the people.
For now , it connect from the side of Asian Civilisations Museum to the side of Fullerton Hotel.
About Esplanade bridge
The Esplanade Bridge is a 260 metre-long (850 ft.) road bridge that spans across the mouth of the Singapore River in Singapore with the Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay on its northern abutment and the Merlion on the southern.[1] The 70 metre-wide (230 ft.) low-level concrete arched bridge has seven spans and supports two four-lane carriageways and walkways along both sides.
The bridge was built to provide faster vehicular access between Marina Centre and the financial district of Shenton Way.[1] Construction of the bridge began in early 1994 and was completed in March 1997.[1] The main contractor was Obayashi Corporation. The bridge then blocked views of the Merlion statue from the Marina Bay waterfront, raising a need for the original Merlion statue to be relocated from the back to the front of the bridge.
About Fullerton hotel
Named after Robert Fullerton, the first Governor of the Straits Settlements, it was supposed to be a fort to defend the settlement against any naval attacks.
It then become the post office but it was redeveloped into a well known hotel in the modern days.
About Clark Quay River
Clarke Quay was named after Sir Andrew Clarke, Singapore's second Governor and Governor of the Straits Settlements from 1873 to 1875, who played a key role in positioning Singapore as the main port for the Malay states of Perak, Selangor and Sungei Ujong.
Clarke Quay is also the name of a road along the quay, part of which has since been converted into a pedestrian mall. Clarke Street, located next to Clarke Quay, was officially named in 1896, and was originally two streets known simply as East Street and West Street in north Kampong Malacca. Similar to Clarke Quay, Clarke Street has since been converted into a pedestrian mall.
The Hoklos (Hokkien) refer to Clarke Street as gi hok kong si au, meaning "behind the new Gi Hok Kongsi" (house). The new Gi Hok Kongsi was near Carpenter Street. Another Chinese reference, which only refers to the Southern bank around Read Bridge area, was cha chun tau (柴船头), meaning "jetty for boats carrying firewood". Small tongkangs carrying firewood from Indonesia berthed at this jetty. The firewood trade was primarily a Teochew enterprise.
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Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Singapore firework - A tribute to Zoompict
Via Flickr:
A shooting outing with fellow veteran photographer zoompict for the 2012 countdown event
at the garden by the bay had enlightened me so much about post processing and think out of the box for a photo to stand out.
Tribute to you , zoompict !!!! Cheers
Reflection on 2011
2011 had been a year full of natural disasters. Earthquakes , flood and tsunamis that had hit many countries that resulted in many casualties.
Singapore had been blessed from the natural disasters but it faced it's high profile problems such as the flash flood that had hit orchard and several areas;MRT face disruption for many hours and having problems for the next consecutive few days;Bedok Reservoir that had been met with several mysterious sucide cases.
Singapore also went through both the general election and presidential election and saw the PAP taking majority of the areas and took control of the parliament. However , The worker party had made a history by making a breakthrough to win Aljunied GRC from the PAP .
Personally , it had been a roller coasters year for my work and i am starting my new job on Jan 3rd 2012. As the clock ticks away and welcome 2012 with blast of firework.I hereby hope the firework blast away the bad luck. May 2012 will be a smooth and disaster-free year.
May everyone have $$ rolling into the pocket and climb up the cooperate ladder !!
.:Taken from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:.
About Marina Bay Sands
Marina Bay Sands (traditional Chinese: 濱海灣金沙; simplified Chinese: 滨海湾金沙) is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. Developed by Las Vegas Sands, it is billed as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$8 billion, including cost of the prime land.[1][2]
With the casino complete, the resort features a 2,561-room hotel, a 1,300,000-square-foot (120,000 m2) convention-exhibition centre, the 800,000-square-foot (74,000 m2) The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands mall, an iconic ArtScience museum, two large theatres, seven "celebrity chef" restaurants, two floating Crystal Pavilions, an ice skating rink, and the world's largest atrium casino with 500 tables and 1,600 slot machines. The complex is topped by a 340m-long SkyPark with a capacity of 3,900 people and a 150m infinity swimming pool, set on top of the world's largest public cantilevered platform, which overhangs the north tower by 67m.[3][4] The 20-hectare resort was designed by Moshe Safdie Architects. The local architect of record was Aedas Singapore, and engineering was provided by Arup and Parsons Brinkerhoff (MEP). The main contractor was Ssangyong Engineering and Construction.[5]
Originally set to open in 2009, Las Vegas Sands faced delays caused by escalating costs of material and labour shortages from the onset. The severe global financial crisis also pressured the company to delay its projects elsewhere to complete the integrated resort.[6] Although Marina Bay Sands has been compared on scale and development costs to MGM's CityCenter, the latter is a mixed-use development, with condominium properties (comprising three of the seven main structures) being sold off.[7][8]
The resort was officially opened with a two-day celebration on 23 June 2010 at 3.18 pm, after a partial opening (which included the casino) on 27 April 2010.[9] The SkyPark opened a day later on 24 June 2010. The theatres were completed in time for the first performance by Riverdance on 30 November 2010. The floating pavilions are still being built and are expected to be fully completed by 2011. The indoor skating rink, which uses artificial ice, opened to a performance by Michelle Kwan on 18 December 2010. The ArtScience Museum opened to the public and the debut of a 13-minute light, laser and water spectacle called Wonder Full on 19 February 2011 marked the full completion of the entire Integrated Resort.
The grand opening of Marina Bay Sands was held on 17 February 2011. It also marked the opening of the seven celebrity chef restaurants. The highly-anticipated Broadway musical The Lion King debuted on 3 March 2011.[10] The last portion of the Marina Bay Sands, the floating pavilions, were finally opened to the public when the two tenants (Louis Vuitton and Pangaea Club) opened on 18 September 2011 and 22 September 2011 respectively.
About Garden by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay consists of three distinctive waterfront gardens – Bay South, Bay East and Bay Central, spanning a total of 101 hectares. They are set in the heart of Singapore’s new downtown Marina Bay, encircling the Marina Reservoir like a green necklace. The Gardens will complement the array of attractions around Marina Bay.
Gardens by the Bay is an integral part of a strategy by the Singapore government that further transforms Singapore from a ‘Garden City’ to a ‘City in a Garden’, in which the city is woven into a green and floral tapestry. This aims to raise the quality of life in Singapore with a more holistic and all-encompassing programme that enhances greenery and flora in the city. First announced to the public by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during the National Day Rally in August 2005, Gardens by the Bay will become Singapore’s premier urban outdoor recreation space, and a national icon.
An international competition for the design of the master plan was held in January 2006 to elicit the best designs for the Gardens. This attracted more than 70 entries submitted by 170 firms from 24 countries, from which two firms – Grant Associates and Gustafson Porter – were eventually awarded the master plan design for the Bay South and Bay East Gardens respectively.
The Gardens are being developed in phases. Bay South is currently being constructed and is slated to be completed by June 2012. Bay East has been developed as an interim park in support of the Youth Olympic Games 2010, and is scheduled to open to the public in late 2011 or early 2012. The full master plan implementation of Bay East and the development of Bay Central are part of the next phase of development.
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