Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Qingshui cliff 清水斷崖

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.:About Qing shui cliff:.
Taken from www.taroko.gov.tw/English/?mm=5&sm=1&page=3
Situated between Heren and Chongde on the Su-Hua Highway, Qingshui Cliff is a big formed by Chongde, Qingshui and Heping mountain coastal cliffs. Creating a magnificent scene, it stretches more than 21km and rises vertically from the Pacific Ocean, with an average height of over 800m. This section of cliff is composed of gneiss and marble. It has risen straight up on the eastern coast of Taiwan for thousands of years. The route along the Qingshui Cliff is the only coastal road in Taroko National Park. The site of the Qingshui Cliff was designated in 1953 by the Taiwan government as one of the island's "Eight Wonders."

Among these cliffs, the east-south cliff of Mt. Qingshui is the steepest. The cliff facing the sea is 5km long and is very spectacular. Driving a car between cliff and the boundless ocean it almost feels like you are flying. The enormous cliff above combined with the boundless ocean below, reminding us of the hardships faced by the workers who built the road.

Most sections of current Su-Hua highway were rebuilt using a new tunnel boring method to widen the roads. The old Su-Hua Highway coastal road along the edge of Qingshui Cliff has become another tranquil and fascinating sight-seeing path. When you walk on the old road and observe the quiet mountain range, look down to the waves crashing and feel the breeze, you will feel just like you are in a corridor in the sky.

Taiwan eastern coast
太魯閣國家公園成立於民國75年,園區包括太魯閣地區,中橫公路至大禹嶺,合歡山及蘇花公路,立霧溪峽谷,清水斷崖,清水山,南湖大山,合歡群峰,奇 萊連峰區域,總面積達九萬二千公頃,區內由海平面至3000多公尺冬季常大雪封山的高山,包刮豐富的自然與人文景觀,美麗壯闊的太魯閣國家公園可以輕 鬆旅遊亦可做深度知性之旅

清水斷崖指的是蘇花公路從和仁至崇德之間,長約12公里的這段,此段曲折蜿蜒,且處於斷崖之上,景色壯觀與秀麗,是蘇花公路最美的地段,清水斷崖有幾 個稍開闊的路段,有建為避車道,可供停車欣賞這偉大工程與壯麗景色,由於安全與維護考量,清水斷崖段目前有多處開鑿隧道以避開,要欣賞清斷崖最驚險的 路段唯有用走路方式去欣賞了.....

蘇花公路之險峻,工程之艱鉅中外皆知,尤其清水斷崖段更甚,看著垂直的斷崖令人腳底發麻,但整段公路風景最秀麗與壯觀也在此,所以行車也是最具危險的 ,為改善行車安全與常崩塌落石造成的維修困難,目前已開鑿幾座穿過岩壁的隧道,避過了這些路段,但蘇花的美景也隨之不容易在行車中見到,舊有的道路也 隨之封閉,只有是有心人懂得將車停妥步行去一探舊路之驚險與美景,否則大眾是無緣一見的,真切希望相關單位能改善這些路段的安全措施,能讓蘇花美景再 現.......

花蓮古稱奇萊,至於花蓮的由來為花蓮溪向東流入大海,溪水與海濤激盪迂迴澎湃,而有洄欄之稱,後人取其諧音而稱為花蓮,花蓮縣面積為4628平方公里 ,人口35萬5000多人,是一個風景秀麗,到處充滿大自然美麗景色的地方.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taiwan,officially the Republic of China (ROC; Chinese: 中華民國; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó), is a state in East Asia. Originally based in mainland China, the Republic of China now governs the island of Taiwan (formerly known as Formosa), which makes up over 99% of its territory,[f] as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands....
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